New Virgo Moon with Wendy Groomes*
27 August 19 – This Super New Moon is closest to earth than any moon all year, so it’s a powerful time to manifest (Virgo is Earth, which includes the material world). New Moon is the time to plant seeds of intention, albeit intentionality is good at all times.
Write out your dreams, visions, intentions and create a ritual around them if you’re drawn to, to bring clarity in co-creating with the Universe, and the Sacred Virgo Virgin energy. Perfect time to nourish the inner mind, inner sanctuary, especially just before the New Moon (the dark of the moon we are releasing the past and awaiting the new moon cycle to begin – the day before and hours before). It’s best to wait to begin new projects until the new cycle has begun.
First weeks of Virgo are considered very lucky (grand trine with Taurus and Capricorn)! Excellent time to begin a new business, and bring your creative project down into practical manifestation. Virgo time is wonderful for cleaning up any area of your life, cleaning out the closets, editing a writing project, initiating new health program, yoga routine, eating healthier.
Where this New Moon lands in your chart is where the Virgin shows up profoundly for you now. With Mars and Venus traveling together through September 13th, so this could be a new relationship, or a new job, or a new way of approaching your spiritual practice. The mystical dreamy aspects of Neptune will be in direct relationship with all the Virgo. Be sure to utilize her discerning nature, so not to get caught up in the illusion/deception of Neptune’s shadow qualities.
Even if the challenging Virgo patterns, that we delve into in the podcast, are present for you this new cycle will help us get things in order for a lovely new beginning. With all the planets in Earth, we could see some movement of the tectonic plates, thus be in direct communication with Mother Earth, and nourish her in conscious ways. Enjoy the Sacred Virgin energy, and invite her devotional sweetness into your heart, mind, and soul. She will meet you there.
*New Moon with Wendy Groomes is a recurring segment.