A podcast for global connection and dialogue
in service to the rising tide of change, with a feminine twist.

Prosperity From the Inside Out

In our last episode, we talked about money. Today, we expand on this tantalizing topic with a powerful teacher of prosperity.

Prosperity is a big word. It encompasses health, well-being, a sense of purpose – and it also includes money substance.  Kate and Toni invite Candice Gee, a financial consultant with a business management focus and entertainment-based client roster, to facilitate a discussion about the principles of prosperity.

We begin with the principles and then go deeper to talk about how to apply these principles in our daily lives. Self-inquiry and excavation are required to transform from a mindset of lack to one of abundance.

Candice is a visionary and has advised and educated innumerable individuals on prosperity, inspirational living, and the ‘how to’ in realizing financial independence.

This work can help you!  And it may even CHANGE you. And if you change, everything in your world may do so also.

This prosperity work invites souls to excavate murky areas within themselves that have created stagnation, particularly where money is concerned. She brings to light the emotional underpinnings and limiting beliefs that often undergird our behaviors with money.

Ms. Gee is a graduate of the executive leadership program at the Anderson School of Business at UCLA and is an ordained Minister currently serving as Director of Membership at Agape International Spiritual Center. Rev. Candice teaches workshops on money and finance at spiritual centers and business venues throughout the United States.

GOOD NEWS: You have an upcoming opportunity to attend the Prosperity From the Inside Out workshop beginning February 12, 2020.  Review the course description and register for the online class at www.modernwisdominstitute.com.

Reference Materials

The Money Nerve, By Robert Wm Wheeler

The Answer is You, Michael Bernard Beckwith


Email: ProsperityFromTheInsideOut@gmail.com

Facebook: Candice Gee

Instagram and Twitter: @thecanwhocan